Last 14 march,me and friends went to Broga Hills.It was located at Semenyih,Selangor.We started our journey at 4 a.m and arrived safely at 5 a.m.When we arrived there,i was so shocked when the place was so silent and there were no people except us.The place was too dark and scary.We taught that might be a lot people as usual but there were no one else except us.We were so disappointed that time.We went back to the car and have a meeting first.After that,all of my friends agreed that we went for it and only me disagreed with it.I was a little afraid because i'm the eldest and i really don't have knowledge about this hiking and safety stuff.So we started our journey that morning.It was do dark,cold and scary.I walked at the back to covered up my friends if they passed down or fell.After 10 minutes of walking.Suddenly one of my friends,Safwan exhausted.Maybe because of he carried the heavy bag and wearing a jacket that makes him tired.After 5 minutes of break,we continued our journey.After walking a dangerous valley,dark path and tall grasses,we arrived at the hill.We need to hiked up to went to the top.There were no ropes or safety belts there.What we have to do was to crouched a little bit and climbed up.Me and my brother went to the top first,while my friends rest their selves in the middle of the hill.I don't want to rest because i was scared of heights.

We finally success of went to the first hill.There were 2 more hills to hiked.After 10 minutes of rest,we went straight to the top of the hills.After half and our of walking,we finally reached the top of the broga hills.Safwan was so happy he managed to went there safely.On the top of the hill,we took a lot of pictures,laugh,and have a chit-chat.But i was so worried that time because my cell phone battery was low and i scared i could not text my princess anymore.We waited there until the sun rises.The sun started to rise at 7.30 a.m like that.We took a picture and ready for the next journey.

We started our journey to Gunung Tok Wan at 8 a.m.The path was harder than broga hills.We have to walk in the forest to reached to Gunung Tok Wan.The forest was thick and full of unique trees and plants.The path was extremely dangerous and really exciting.We need to climbed a rock,walked trough bushes,and hold on trees.In the middle of the journey,i was so angry when my hp turned off because the battery was empty.After that,we took a short break and have a breakfast.After 10 minutes of rest,we continue our journey.Finally we reached Gunung Tok Wan.We were so fucking disappointed when there nothing there.The view was sux and nothing there.We hope we could find any river or waterfall there because we was so thirsty and there wasn't any water supply left.There were only kettle,rubbish,flies,bees and seats there.We all were so disappointed with it.

After half and our of rest,we went straight back to Broga Hill.In the journey went back,my friend,hakim luckily saved me from fell down from the hill.The hill was quite curve and dangerous.I couldn't balanced myself because of the bag.The bag was so heavy and my shoulder started to hurt.I endured the pain and continue our journey.After 2 hours of walking,we safely arrived Broga Hill.It was so damn hot and the hill is dry.The hill was dry and windy too.It makes us hard to walk because of the sand flowing.Its look like a sand storm because the wind blows the sand.So we don't have the choice but to slide down.Hakim slide down all way down and we all followed him too.My shoes was slippery and i move faster than them.Luckily Hakim were there and saved me.We arrived safely to our car and went straight back home.It was so disappointed journey but i was kinda a little satisfied because we success to reached at the top of the mountain by ourselves without any help from other people.I'm also proud of my friends because of their team work while we were in the journey

I am so sorry baby i couldn't spent time with you that night sayang.I was so worried about my brother.After all,i am happy that night because we are 4 month in relationship sayang.Thanks for understanding me and thanks for being so wonderful girlfriend,Babydiera.This is one of the reason why you are so perfect to me.You are so understanding and sweet.Thanks sayang.I love you so much my cute baby princess Babydiera.Please don't leave me okay?

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